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Video is Vogue!

With coffee cup in hand, a shuffling reader sits in front of the computer clicking on the full Inbox determined to read the interesting early morning arrivals and delete the mundane. Which category does your newsletter fall into? Are you afraid your message is hitting the trash bin faster than the caffeine is affecting your […]


Three Simple Principals

Marketing is essential to any business but it may be the “hat” you wear least often as a small business owner because other tasks get in the way. Maybe you have worn that cap long enough to begin an email campaign. Do you remember feeling accomplished after spending hours crafting that first email, and then […]

Spring Cleaning

Have you done your Spring Cleaning?

As you prepare for the second half of the year, some late spring-cleaning may be in order. Do you find that you are in the midst of a lot of leads, but not so many concrete contracts? Do you host many events and upcoming sales but find you’re not getting much traffic in store? Or […]


Change is Inevitable! Do You Fight It?

Just when you think you’ve got it, Facebook changes something AGAIN! Changing timelines, cover photos, fans to like, the manner in which you secure personal data and more! Then all the social sites seem to follow suit; Pinterest includes more boards for you to look at; Twitter keeps producing value-added platforms (TwitPics, Twitter Counter, Twitter […]


Why Should Your Business be on Social Media Sites?

As small business owners, it seems like a no-brainer. We have friends, we have a product or service our friends want to hear more about, and we want to share it with them. Of course, the best way is socially, through sites that link us all together. But then when we head to the sites […]


One Chance to Make that First Impression!

As the old saying goes, “You only have one chance to make a good first impression.” This is as true in our business life as it is in our personal one.  Small businesses have many things in common, but the one that stands out in marketing is, you are really inseparable from your brand. Putting […]


Thank You – It Goes a Long Way

As Valentine’s Day quickly approaches, I couldn’t help but ponder the traditions of this special day. The Hallmark holiday symbols are everywhere – aisles of red and pink greeting cards, sweetheart candies, gorgeous bouquets of red roses and chocolates to name a few of the more traditional gifts.  So what do you do for your […]


Starting Off on the “Write” Foot

As I sit at my desk typing this, half the month of January has already passed. By now, many people have already made and broken their resolutions. However, my intern introduced me to a new concept that I thought I’d share with you. She proposed having a “newsolution”, meaning doing something new in 2013. It […]

New year celebration 2013

Do you work ON your Business as well as IN it?

‘Tis the season of wonder and delight both in our personal lives and professional. It’s a time to celebrate and reflect on what was and what will be as the current year closes and another unfolds. Over the next few weeks, take some time and give thought to your business – examine your success and […]

Wedding couple


Nervous about making that big commitment?  Feeling anxious about an obligation you cannot fulfill?  While we are talking about relationships, we’re not talking about your significant other!  Being committed to your business relationships is easier than you think! Relationships with your customers are some of the most important connections you have regarding your business. Your customers […]